Challenges in New Beginnings and Trusting Your Own Happiness

Challenges in New Beginnings and Trusting Your Own Happiness

I hope you all have been finding more balance and peace in connecting with your inner children and beginning to heal those old wounds. As you hold deeper space for them, this will start shifting your energy and raise your vibration. The universe will start to present you with new opportunities, and as much as you have desired these, it may feel scary to step fully into this and trust this new. I want you to know you are not alone in this fear and to not judge yourself for this. As much as you have wanted new opportunities or growth, it is unknown and can trigger all the inner children. It is important to tend to them and listen with compassion and love. The fear that comes up is separating you from the old which can create feelings of vulnerability and a sense of exposure with fewer walls to navigate through. 

In addition to your inner children, your soul may need some comfort. Hold your soul let them know you hear their fears and sit with them for a moment releasing them through breathing and writing. If tears or yelling need to come out, allow this to flow freely. Trust your releasing process. Writing to your soul can start with Dear soul I am here, I see you, I hear you. Pause and listen and write intuitively trusting your soul will speak through you in the writing. You can also write directly to your soul letting them know what you feel it may need to hear. Trust this process. 

Take one step at a time as you learn to navigate feeling safe in the new energy and new spaces that are being presented to you. Trust the natural flow of this. Let go of fears as best you can during this process. The fears are old protectors that are no longer needed. The universe would not present new opportunities if they didn’t think you were fully ready for them. Trust yourself and know you are ready for all this growth and creation. Lean in! You are worthy of this! You can hold it! You have everything you need inside! Trust your soul's purpose! You are a beautiful soul! You are a gift! Believe! 

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