How to Grow Awareness When You Are New to Spirituality: Part II

How to Grow Awareness When You Are New to Spirituality: Part II

I hope you all have been creating space for yourselves and exploring more in your spiritual practices finding your boundaries and connecting with more clarity. I want to send you lots of love and reminder to have compassion for yourselves as you continue to expand your spiritual practice. Trusting there are no wrong ways, to listen to your body, your heart center, and connect within. 

Whatever guidance is there is meant for you, loves. As you step more into this, you will notice feelings and awareness around belief systems start to stir up. This is normal and can sometimes feel heavy. Please honor the comfort you need and listen to your soul as it guides you through this time. Awareness brings freedom. Hold yourself with compassion regardless of what comes through. It may not feel like something you wish to own about yourself, but please understand you did not get here on your own and there are many different interactions with family and friends and society that built these belief systems and patterns in your life. Hold them with compassion, and love your soul through them. Treat yourself like an open wound that needs tending too. Be gentle, give whatever is coming up time and energy to move through you. You have spent years where this area was not tended to, it needs a lot of space and self-love. 

Each person as they begin this spiritual journey has a dumping point. A space where the energy goes, you will notice some people feel it in the lower back, stomach, head, etc. Wherever this point is for you where you feel most tension or physical pain, it is the first area that begins to clear, which means a lot of old feelings and beliefs may arise. It may feel scary or uncomfortable to continue diving deeper especially when it feels heavy but I ask that you believe in yourself and keep moving forward and always honor the pace you feel honors you. There is no room for self-judgment in this space. Be very gentle with yourself and clear whatever comes up.

You can clear it by first acknowledging what it is, hold space for it either by journaling, doing a burn and release (writing it down on paper and burning it safely), or using movement or mediation to assist with this. You can also scream, cry, hit a pillow, throw some ice on the ground, hold yourself as you cry whatever you feel you need to help you get to a space where you have acknowledged it, and released it. Trust yourselves, you will know once it is released to its fullest space at this moment. As you begin to clear, try to remember you are human and not fall into self-judgment of what you are clearing or how you are clearing. Begin with grace and love. Know the fog will lift and you will feel lighter. Think of it as if you are a caterpillar inside your cocoon and once you do all the hard work you will fully transform into your true self, your divine light being you always are and have been. 

That negative mind may want to creep in, acknowledge it, and then tell it I choose a different path. Remember forward movement is any action to shift even if it doesn’t work the way you want it to. It is still forward movement and learning. Lean into your learning. Drink a lot of water during this time, you are clearing. Water helps clear you and move things more with ease. If you notice you are more tired, this is how we integrate things ( when your body sleeps it is able to take in all the information) so honor your rest. You are releasing a lifetime of old beliefs and things that don’t serve you give your soul and physical body time to re-calibrate. If you feel restless, irritable, or emotional all ok and normal as you shift. You may wake up feeling amazing one day and the very next day heavy and slow. Flow with this, it is all ok, and lean into whatever shows up for you that day through acknowledging and moving through with love and gentleness. 

You all got this! I believe in you all! 

Sending you all love and light!


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