Infertility and How to Find Faith Within Yourself

Infertility and How to Find Faith Within Yourself

Today I want to address the moms out there who are currently going through infertility struggles and are not sure where to go or are feeling disconnected to your body. It's understandable to feel frustrated during this process and out of control in your body. I want you to know so many feel this way and struggle with the WHY. 

Why is my body not doing the one thing it was born to do? Why can't I have a child? Why is this happening to me? Why is this process so difficult?

I want you to know you are not alone in this, and it is not your fault! Let me repeat this: it is not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong to create this, you didn't eat the wrong foods, or party too hard in college or exercise too harshly, etc. You didn't do anything wrong. 

Instead of being harsh with yourself, I want you to love yourself through this journey, hold yourself with compassion. This is not an easy process, so please be more gentle with yourself during this time. You are going through so much.

I want you to take a deep breath and hold yourself, remind yourself you are going to be okay. Honor your need to feel and release emotions and show yourself compassion. Give yourself the love and comfort you need at this moment. Remain present with your body, allow yourself to feel and release the loss and all other emotions that have come up for you on this journey. Begin to trust in your body again, lean into this experience as something that is trying to guide you in a direction of connection and internal compassion. This is about connecting with you and finding peace from within. 


  1. Start with letting go of all the judgment. Write down on a piece of paper all the thoughts you have and judgments of yourself or your partner in this process. Then I want you to rip this piece of paper up or burn it safely in a pot with water nearby, and as you rip/burn this, I want you to say, "I release all my self-judgment and negative attachments, and I replace this with trust, self-love, and compassion for my journey." Then close your eyes and place your hands on your heart and breathe into your heart, filling it with love.

  2. Find a comfortable spot where you will not be disturbed and set the tone of serenity and connection. Either sit up or lay down whatever feels more comfortable to you. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, feel the connection to your physical body, being aware of your sit bones on the ground, your hips and the heaviness of them, or the weight of your arms and legs. Once you connect to this, I want you to begin to visualize the part of your body you feel is betraying you (uterus, eggs, fallopian tubes, etc.). Visualize its form in your body and begin to tap into it, release the sadness and pain from it disappointing you and not doing what you want and need. Feel this emotion and begin to physically and energetically release this pain from your body and these areas within your body. Once you feel you have released this, focus on the sensation of filling those areas with love, and trust, visualizing a white light entering those spaces and creating space for them to function properly and heal any old wounds in these spaces. Once you have done this, repeat this mantra, "I allow my body to do the work, I trust in the healing, and release any blocks, I trust I am healed and am able to conceive. I trust, I trust, I trust." Allow yourself to feel warmth in these spaces, love, and balance.

  3. Repeat these exercises as many times as you need to. I want you to work on developing a happy relationship with yourself and your body, and remain present as much as possible. If you are still feeling disconnected, allow yourself to release more emotions, even if this means letting out a scream filled with foul words. Do what you need to release and reconnect to your body. Learn to trust it again.

  4. If you find yourself struggling with the second exercise, overthinking it or too attached to the outcome, shift into doing the first part. Find a comfortable spot where you will not be disturbed and set the tone of serenity and connection. Either sit up or lay down whatever feels more comfortable to you. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, feel the connection to your physical body, being aware of your sit bones on the ground, your hips and the heaviness of them, or the weight of your arms and legs. Then visualize growing roots into the ground from your core as if you are a tree on earth - sturdy and strong in your foundation. Then envision removing any blocks that are in your way from you and the child you want. These could be emotional, physical, energetic just begin to tune into them and visualize each of them being removed almost like you are removing one piece of a brick wall at a time. Keep visualizing this until the wall is gone. Then fill the empty space with love, abundance, joy, happiness and let go of anything left that you feel needs to be released.

Find your faith and connect to you! Connect with your inner strength, your inner grace, your Divine Feminine Power! Focus on this! Surrender and create as much peace as possible in this journey. 

I believe in you all! You are such strong women who have been through so much, and I want you to know no matter what unfolds in your journey, you are a Sacred Woman and I see You!  

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