Mindfulness Daily

Mindfulness Daily

Mindfulness is an important component to help regulate us in our daily lives. It’s important that we try to spend a bit of time daily to practice mindfulness as it brings us so many benefits. Mindfulness helps us be grounded, think in terms of being regulated with emotion, helps us stay present, and even helps us make effective decisions. Today let’s do a mindfulness exercise. 

First off, get into a comfortable position. I want you to breathe and notice your inhales and exhales. Notice when you hit the top of your breath and the bottom of your breath. Notice how many seconds it takes you to fully inhale and to fully exhale. If you have a thought come into your awareness, acknowledge it gently and let it be.

I encourage you to try to make time for mindfulness. The more you practice it daily, the more you can feel grounded and ready to lean into your own wise mind. Here are some other quick mindfulness exercises that can help ground you:

  1. Counting your breaths and if your mind wanders notice it and start back to 1.

  2. Imagine leaves on a stream and put your thoughts on a leaf that come up and let it float by. Notice and just let it be.

  3. Mindfully eat. Notice the taste, texture, and sensation when you chew and focus on it.

  4. Visualization scripts

  5. Mindfully noticing the clouds in the sky

  6. Mindfully cooking food

There are so many ways you can incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. So why not give it a shot daily. 

Dear Enlightened One

Dear Enlightened One

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Episode 08 of Lightcast | Exploring Disney’s Encanto: Illuminating Common Family Roles