Kristin’s of Eight Dimensions Wellness Corner
Thank you for being here as I embark on a journey of creating space to talk about wellness and why a “whole person” approach is so important to our mental health. What are the Eight Dimensions of Wellness and why does it matter for your wellbeing? What does “being well” even mean, I don’t have a cold? How do we determine what and where we need to look in our lives to begin a wellness practice?
My name is Kristin, and I have spent many years working with folks to identify and learn ways to improve their overall mental health through the lens of the Eight Dimensions of Wellness. I initially discovered this framework on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Website ( and have built out my scope of knowledge and care through not only sitting in this space with others, but also looking at my own wellness journey through a career-ending sports injury, deep grief within my family system and redefining my personhood in the wake of becoming a parent. Through all of these spaces and seasons, understanding the ebb and flow of what we need and how to better be connected with ourselves has been a central and grounding aspect of my work and life. The Eight Dimensions of Wellness this space will be unpacking are: Emotional, Spiritual, Financial, Physical, Social, Occupational, Intellectual and Environmental.
So, what can you expect when you join me here? First and foremost, learning and giving permission to practice kindness with ourselves when we have never “thought about” or “knew about” a particular dimension of wellness. Exploring without judgment and being open to identifying what truly ignites joy for you will be a byproduct of this space- that is my hope for you.
How does knowing this model exists reframe your perspective on your mental health? Does it make you want to dive more deeply into what this all means and learn about each area in tangible ways that you can incorporate into your life? Me too, which is why I will be bringing a different dimension to this discussion space every month. If there are any questions you have or would like to talk further, let me know. I want to hold space that is accessible for folks to meaningfully look within and nurture a safe space to learn and grow. We don’t have to agree on the specifics, that is what makes us individuals-which is why this model of whole-person care is so exciting to me. My experiences within my spiritual wellness journey may be vastly different than yours and so on. There is no one right way to have balance in our lives. In fact, I have learned that rarely with each area of our lives remain the same, they are ever changing so having awareness of when a particular part of ourselves is needing extra care and calling in toward healing is…well, so cool!
This is an area of passion for me because it also supports a skill that I feel is paramount to truly being able to lean into our best selves- and that is being able to sit uncomfortably with emotions, habits, feelings-possibly past events that have knowingly (or unknowingly) shaped how we approach ourselves across each dimension. When we can sit in an uncomfy space and listen to it and what it is telling us to be able to meet our needs with deepened authenticity, we can bring healing and growth in meaningful ways. I am a big holder of hope, and that is my hope for this space. If you are already thinking, “how does my intellectual wellness with my work and curiosity have anything to do with my environmental wellness and how I interact with the world around me?” Or, “I know how to socialize, why do I need to learn how that affects my wellness?” Whatever questions may be beginning for you, I look forward to learning through this model of care together.