Pure Imagination

Pure Imagination

Inspirational Mood & Visuals: Kathleen - Pure Imagination (Official Visualizer)]

When you were growing up, what did you imagine you’d become? Did you imagine you’d be an astronaut, floating in space? Did you imagine yourself in front of a room full of people, a teacher teaching class or the president giving a speech, or maybe a movie star, a rock star, a celebrity? I remember dreaming of being an archeologist, journeying to faraway lands, digging, exploring, discovering long-lost objects and returning them to the world. 

And then life happens. Life has a way of making us doubt ourselves, making us question whether or not we’re worthy of our dreams. Life pushes us to shift and compromise and alter our course so much that we may even begin to believe we don’t deserve to dream. Many of my clients grieve this feeling of loss, asking out loud, “What happened to my dreams? What happened to me?” 

However, as we explore these questions together, what we often find is that it’s a matter of perspective. Is it possible that we haven’t lost our dreams, that our dreams are right there in front of us, we’ve just closed our eyes to them?

Obviously, I never became an archeologist. I can choose to lament that fact, or I can choose to celebrate what I’ve become instead, a therapist. If I step away from self-judgment and look at my present with curiosity, what I find is that in many ways, I have achieved my childhood dream. With my clients, I do journey to faraway lands, I do dig and explore, I do discover long-lost objects and return them to the world. Is it possible that my childhood dream did not actually die? Is it possible that it simply took on a shape that better fit my world?


  1. What is a vision board?

  • A way to help reconnect with your dreams.

  • A way to gain a sense of direction and empowerment.

  1. Where do I begin?

  • Think about your life at present: What would you like to envision for yourself moving into the future? Consider: Career, Travel, Relationships, Spirituality, etc.

  • Gather images and words from magazines, books, the internet, photo albums that resonate with your vision of your future.

  • Play with this collection of images and words and create a collage of inspiration! 

The Magic of Bad Days

The Magic of Bad Days

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Music & Our Brains: Part One