Mental Health Check-In
Mental health check in insta post.png

How are you doing today? how are you really?

The more we check in with ourselves through mindful and intentional ways, the less intimidating that question can be.

More and more research has shown how significant the mind/body connection truly is. Anxiety, stress, depression...anything psychological arises somatically within the physical body. We are energetic beings and that energy can get stuck. For me, anxiety is a normal state of being for me but when I don’t acknowledge it, my anxiety shows up through headaches, jaw clenching, neck and shoulder pain, and tummy aches. And when I feel like that, it just communicates to me that I need to check in with myself -I need to release it somehow by journaling, singing, or dancing it out. I need to let all my energy get flowing again — to refresh and nourish myself.

I have created two sheets for you to check out here. Feel free to download, print, save on your phone, copy into your journal...

The first one is a mental health check in and there's space for you to reflect.

The second one is a self-care challenge to dare you all to take care of yourselves in new ways!

There's so many more ideas, so let us know in the comments other mental health check-ins or self-care rituals that you do!

Honoring Your Mental Health as a Mother

Honoring Your Mental Health as a Mother

Wound Care: Episode 1

Wound Care: Episode 1