Lineages & Levels

Lineages & Levels

So Sara… you have all of these different types of reiki listed. What does that mean?!

The act of using energetic practices to improve your health and well-being has been part of many cultures throughout history, often from a place of religious or spiritual devotion. My formal introduction into these practices came through reiki. Reiki comes from two Japanese words: “rei” and “ki” translating loosely to “universal life energy.” Usui Reiki was brought to the western world from Japan in the 1930’s - you can read more about the history and origins of Usui Reiki here.

Usui Reiki is one of many reiki traditions or lineages that are practiced and shared today. Some of the lineages today were founded by students of Usui Reiki and some come from completely different cultural traditions, meaning that the role that reiki serves can look very different. Some reiki lineages break the learning process up into levels, where students are moved through a slower process of study and multiple attunements.


Reiki attunements are what separates being a receiver of reiki energy from becoming a practitioner of reiki. Anyone can receive reiki, but to become a practitioner, you must be attuned to the lineage and level of reiki you are studying. Attunements are passed from teacher to student, when the student is ready to begin accessing energy directly. The attunement process can be different in each lineage, but often involves meditation guided by the teacher and laying hands on their student, though some attunements are able to be given remotely.  

Below are very brief descriptions of the lineages I have been attuned to. Next to the name of each lineage is the number of levels & attunements they are most commonly divided into.

Usui Reiki (Level I, II, III)
The most widely recognized form of reiki practiced in the Western world. Usui Reiki invites spiritual discipline and personal development to provide balance and aid the healing process. This is a gentle and loving gateway into energy work, giving you a foundation, understanding and appreciation for all the possibilities in your life.

Karuna Reiki (Level I, II, III)
Also known as the Reiki of Compassion, the Karuna lineage is largely based in healing the "shadow" - overcoming addiction, reducing anxiety, and recovering from major medical events such as surgery or chemotherapy.

Ananda Rei Reiki (Level I, II, III)
Channeled by Faun Parliman, this lineage offers a multitude of symbols for specific healing and supportive care. The option to attune objects in their home or on their person to reiki appeals to many people who enjoy the Ananda Rei energy.

Lightarian Reiki (Level I, II, III, IV, V, VI)
This Reiki lineage draws from the light of the celestial realms, Angels and Ascended Masters. Focused on elevating the self for the benefit of all, Lightarian Reiki unites us, uplifting and healing our world, enhancing spiritual connection. This powerful portal energy often appeals to those about to give birth. 

Seichim Reiki 
Coming from a very high vibrational energy to heal on a deep level, Seichim Reiki was brought into practice by Patrick Zeigler in 1984. Also spelled Sekhem, Seichem, some people feel this reiki tradition heralds practices and rites from Ancient Egypt, while others may connect more to a heart centered, mother-goddess energy. 

Shamballa Reiki
Ascended Master Saint Germain is the guiding presence behind Shamablla Reiki, channeled through John Armitage. Predating Usui Reiki, Shamballa Reiki is connected to the ancient Atlanteans. Known for its multidimensional healing, Shamballa is considered by many to be a reawakening of the reiki energy already present within each one of us. This reconnection with yourself facilitates healing, prosperity, and happiness.

Whoa there…you said reiki isn’t a religion. What’s this about Angels and Ascended Masters?

Different lineages of reiki came through different world views and personal understandings of the world. As a reiki provider, I don’t require anyone to believe in a certain deity or being to receive the benefits of my practice. Rather, reiki integrates with what draws you in and helps you to feel supported and uplifted. If anything in the descriptions above speaks to you, wonderful! If not, we can tailor your sessions to focus more on the energy work than the ideas and philosophies behind it. You are always welcome here, just as you are. 

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