Take Pride, Dear Ones

Take Pride, Dear Ones

Dearest Community, 

If this year has taught us anything it is that life isn’t all rainbows and pandemic puppies… BUT we are heading into PRIDE Season! 

And, I am proud of us, we’ve done a damn good job of surviving this storm together! I’m not sure if we’re fully out of it yet, this may very well be the calm in the eye of it, but that’s okay too. The clouds are clearing, we’re maybe down to a drizzle, and can’t you just see that little soft prism forming at the edges of the gray clouds?

I’m not sure what pride season is going to look like this year. It might just be holding the incongruence of my heart-swelling with appreciation to see all the pronoun gear in Target’s dollar section and then an internal eye roll at having to pick up Sriracha next to Chick-Fil-A sauce.*Harumph*Life is complicated, the issues are many, but we are resilient fabulous creatures. We’re growing and evolving and we might even get the chance to do more gathering this summer!

So take heart and take pride, dear ones, the greater the storm the BRIGHTER the rainbow!

In pride,


Presenting the "Lightcast with Stephanie Gast" Podcast

Presenting the "Lightcast with Stephanie Gast" Podcast

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