Stop Asian Hate: A Letter to my Community and Allies

Stop Asian Hate: A Letter to my Community and Allies

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March was a crazy month, which highlighted the racial injustice and hate towards Asian and Asian American communities. I noticed that many non-Asian people were shocked this happened, but I and other members in the API community were unfortunately not. API community has noticed a surge of violence towards us especially since COVID, but there has been a lack of media coverage and dialogue on the subject. 

To my fellow API community members, I encourage you to reach out if needed or even as an act of self-care for your needs. If you have a hard time letting yourself be heard, I encourage you to do your best to let your thoughts and voices be heard. Remember, also, you’re not obligated to educate others unless you want to. Stand by others. Your voice matters and, more importantly, take care of yourself in all forms.

To all the allies out there. I want you to try to support the API community. When I say this, I mean not just a check-in once a tragedy happens, but to ask you to continuously be an ally. I encourage you to do some research if you want knowledge. Donate to API communities or even spread resources to your API friends and loved ones. Help give the community a platform and visibility - that’s all I ask. 

This is an issue that won’t go away once the news and hashtags stop becoming popular. As long as API community still feels unsafe there still is work that needs to be done.

Don’t stop fighting hate. 

Ami also runs the monthly API LGBTQ Social and weekly API LGBTQ Support Group (info below):

API Social February.png
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