Light Shining on the Horizon

Light Shining on the Horizon

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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”
– Marianne Williamson

When I first read this quote, it really spoke to me. It speaks to me again now for different reasons and I'd like to share it with you.

Our world is currently experiencing fear and worry in the space of the unknown as we battle this infamous virus. We are sheltering in place and our daily routines, our lives, have been thrown out of balance. As we watch and wait by the sidelines, we find that we have more time to sit in pockets of quiet or interact with people in our home more, and many emotions may begin to rise. Beliefs of inadequacy may be rising to the surface. 

And when this happens, I remember the above quote and I encourage all of you to borrow those words, just like I do, but to give it the meaning that makes the most sense to you.

For me, this quote is a very important reminder, reminding me that our fears of inadequacy are but a mask covering our actual fears - that we are powerful beyond measure and have a greater capacity to respond with love, in light. A reminder to be kinder and more compassionate with ourselves. 

These beliefs that we have that feel so true and real are held tightly within our bodies and being kind and compassionate with ourselves is not always easy.  Working through those beliefs can sometimes feel hard and uncomfortable but it paves the way to seeing yourself for our true form of light. There are many different ways of working through them whether with EMDR, therapy, or energy work. 

With self-reflection, self-compassion, and self-love, I encourage you to reach out for support whether to your friends and family or a mental health professional, I invite you to step into your light.

If you need support, you can reach out directly to me at or 818-208-0218  For more resources click here


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