Gather and Grow OC is a community of therapists, educators and those seeking guidance. Come join us!
Gather and Grow OC is a community of therapists, educators and those seeking guidance. Come join us!
Phone/Email inquiries are returned on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We appreciate your patience and we’ll make our best effort to connect with you as soon as possible!
Gather & Grow OC is a queer women owned and led LGBTQ+ affirming therapy practice in Orange County. We're committed to personal growth and mental health wellness, providing tailored, inclusive services to the LGBTQ+ community. We focus on building resilience, promoting self-care, and fostering personal development. We prioritize training LGBTQ+ affirming therapists, and believe in knowledge sharing and professional growth to improve services for the LGBTQ+ community. Mental health services are available in CA, FL, and OR, and provider and community education are accessible nationwide.
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